
GOTH DIVISION by Padre @Hardward Pub

? Data: 15.03.2024
Ora acces:
🕣 Ora spectacol: 23:00 – 04:00

📌 Locatie: Hardward Pub, Cluj-Napoca
🏠 Adresa: Cluj Napoca, Republicii 110
📧 Eveniment Facebook

Preturi si detalii despre categoriile de bilete:
20 lei – 10 lei – Bilet promotie (ofera Acces 1+1 GRATIS pt.primele bilete)
20 lei – Acces

*Toate prețurile includ taxele locale si nu includ taxa de procesare.**Taxa de procesare nu este returnabila.Toate detaliile privind regulamentul de acces vor fi comunicate în zilele din apropierea evenimentului. Cumpărătorilor de bilet li se recomandă consultarea site-ului, precum și a site-urilor partenere, înainte de participarea la eveniment.
✅ Let’s have another awesome GOTH party, with awesome people, on the 15th March -> GOTH Division!

The goth subculture includes almost all musical genres, but GOTH Rock and GOTH Metal is one of the most well-known genres.
So we invited Padre, the Goth father of Cluj, a controversial and well-known character, for a somewhat darker but energetic party.
Tonight the Dark comes to the right place, so we leave our inhibitions and swing our braids, chains, and everything else we feel like,
until deep into the night!
Carpe noctem!

Start -> 23:00
End (stop the music) -> 04:00
ENTRY: 20 lei (1+1 FREE for the first 25 tickets)

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