
Beeeee, Ma! 2022

Beeeee, Ma! 2022

Locatie eveniment: Black Sheep Camp
Adresa: sat Poiana Horea nr.37, com.Belis, jud.Cluj

Bilete si abonamentele sunt disponibile online la următoarele prețuri:
– 350 lei – Abonament pret intreg (cu campare inclusa)
– 250 lei – Abonament normal FARA campare (pret dupa data de 9 iulie)
Bilete pentru o zi de festival, alegeti mai jos ziua in care doriti sa participati:
– 150 lei – Bilete Normal pentru o zi (cu campare inclusa)
– 90 lei – Bilete Normal FARA campare (disponibil incepand cu data de 11 iunie)
Atentie: Se pun în vânzare un număr limitat de bilete!
*Toate prețurile includ taxele locale si nu includ taxa de procesare.
**Taxa de procesare nu este returnabila.
(for English, scroll further down please)

? Festivalul Beeeee, Ma! revine în 2022 ? in perioada 28-31 iulie în Black Sheep Camp din satul Poiana Horea, comuna Belis din judetul Cluj.

BEEEEE, MA! is back!
Hai sa Beeeee, ma! pe acorduri de muzica live, la lumina stelelor, langa caldura focului de tabara.
Vara asta din 28 iulie pana-n 31 ai cea mai faina vacanta. Si daca-ti place locatia, iti poti prelungi vacanta fara costuri in plus.

Beeeee, ma! e un festival live de muzica folk-rock, in varf de munte cu atmosfera calda ca-ntre prieteni. Atmosfera e cam cum e cand ai mers cu gasca la munte si ati stat la foc pana noaptea tarziu sau pana dimineata devreme, numai ca aici gasca e mai mare, muzica e live si berea e artizanala.
Daca-ti place sa canti, ia-ti instrumentul cu tine si armeaza-ti vocea si poti sa canti ori pe scena, ori la foc, pentru ca va invitam la cantari spontane la foc si avem open-stage (in afara programului stabilit al concertelor).

?*Ce gasiti la „Beeeee, ma! 2022”?
Pe tot parcursul evenimentului:
– optiunea de open stage, in afara concertelor pre-stabilite,
– cantari spontane la foc… ca avem foc de tabara si ziua si noaptea!
– Apa rece si buna de izvor
– concerte faine in fiecare seara, asa cum da bine in natura intre prieteni, mai ales oi negre.
– Si desigur colaboratorii nostri care prin prezenta lor vor face ca totul sa iasa perfect:
• nu va lipsi berea artizanala adusa de Paul de la Bers Nova, tocmai din Oradea. O bere plina de imaginatie, gandita sa „Rock your Senses”.
• mancare delicioasa, cu retete pline de imaginatie, numa buna pentru beeeeeree, gatita pe loc de baietii de la Food Box, Oradea. Pentru Beeeee, ma! Se pregatesc sa ne incante cu mancare gatita in aer liber, la gratar, la ceaun si daca-i cazu’ la aragaz, folosind si ingrediente de la mama natura si din surse locale.
• de stage & lighting se va ocupa Thundersound din Baia Mare avand grija ca fiecare sunet sa dea bine, iar muzica sa fie pe locul intai.
• de filmari se ocupa Kreafilm din Timisoara ca sa avem amintiri memorabile.

?Cine si cand ne canta?
Joi 28 iulie:
Figure of Funk – funk band din Baia Mare
Rebel Yell! – trupa tribute Billy Idol din Cluj-Napoca
Fratii Jdieri – trupa rock din Oradea

Vineri 29iulie:
The Hidden Jester – rock band din Timisoara
The Speakers – folk-country cover band din Baia Mare
NIGHTLOSERS – Transylvanian Blues band din Cluj-Napoca

Sambata 30 iulie:
Foo Fain – trupa tribut Foo Fighters, din Cluj-Napoca
N.O.R. – rock band din Oradea
Ultimu’ Nivel – pop punk band din Baia Mare
Dirty Shirt – crossover Transylvanian folklore metal din Baia Mare

?Ce va fi inclus in biletul festivalului?
– In cazul abonamentelor si al biletelor cu campare: Accesul pe zona evenimentului si pe zona de campare (care dispune de apa potabila de izvor gratis, WC-uri, dus solar) si accesul la concerte.
– Pentru biletele fara campare, accesul in incinta e limitat seara doar pana la finalul concertelor *aprox ora 24 a fiecarei zi.
– Bratara de acces la festival!

?Ce nu e inclus: orice nu e specificat mai sus.
Dar pentru ca e un festival special, pe langa preturile accesibile ale berii si mancarii, ai si voie sa-ti aduci cu tine ce vrei tu. Atentie, apa de izvor este gratis! Nu carati baxuri cu apa cu voi ca n-are rost sa va rupeti spatele.
Atentie: Accesul masinilor este interzis, cu exceptia celor cu rooftop tent sau a campervan-urilor in care se doarme (daca reusesc sa urce pana sus). Motocicletele au acces permis.
Mai multe detalii despre regulament si update-uri, urmariti pagina de facebook a evenimentului: si pagina festivalului:

⛺Despre locatie:
Locatia este un wildcamp in zona retrasa de munte, cu conditii rustice si apropiere fata de natura. Nu se face foc in zona de campare, ci doar in locul special amenajat din zona din fata scenei.
Accesul pana la locatie, Black Sheep Camp: folositi Google maps, Waze sau HereWeGo. De la sosea pana la zona de campare mai este 1,5km de drum neasfaltat. La baza dealului, aprox 400m de zona festivalului, se va putea parca, ori la sosea ori in curtile localnicilor urmand ca urcarea sa o faceti pe jos urmarind indicatoarele Black Sheep.
Pe durata festivalului, nu se accepta masini in camping sub nici o forma – cu exceptia celor cu rooftop tent sau a campervan-urilor in care se doarme. Masinile pot fi parcate la baza dealului in curti ale localnicilor, contra cost – de comun acord cu localnicii.

Vrem sa te simti bine la noi, asa ca bea, canta, socializeaza, distreaza-te, umbla in patru labe daca vrei, DAR:

1) Nu acceptam nici o forma de scandal. Scandalagii vor fi dati afara.
2) Respecta natura si nu fa mizerie! De nici un fel!
3) Daca ai o treaba in padure nu lasa mizerie in urma ta, mizeria include hartia igienica, servetele umede, s.a. Exista toalete, folositi-le pe ele si/sau cosurile de gunoi, nu padurea.
4) Nu se face foc in zona de campare, ci doar in locul special amenajat din zona din fata scenei.
5) Locatia are propria mascota blanoasa, un malamut de Alaska, e foarte prietenos cu oamenii, dar nu se intelege cu alti masculi de talie medie/mare. Asadar daca va aduceti animalele de companie, sunteti responsabili pentru ele.
6) Va rugam sa fiti responsabili si sa tineti cont de masuri si restrictii impuse vis-a-vis de COVID-19. In caz de conditii speciale impuse – le vom comunica pe pagina de facebook a evenimentului: 
7) Copiii sub 14 ani au acces gratuit impreuna cu un parinte platitor de bilet. Parintii sunt responsabili pentru copii, va rugam nu-i lasati nesupravegheati, nu raspundem pentru eventuale accidentari sau probleme create de copii iar parintii vor fi direct responsabili de achitarea eventualelor pagube create. Accesul gratuit este limitat la un copil per parinte, in caz ca veniti cu mai mult de 1 copil in grija aceluiasi parinte, ceilalti copii necesita bilet platit. (D.ex: o familie de 4, compusa din 2 parinti si 2 copii va plati doar 2 bilete; Un parinte singur cu doi copii va avea de platit 2 bilete).
Accesul NU este permis copiilor si persoanelor sub 18 ani fara un adult supraveghetor.
8) Organizatorii isi rezerva dreptul sa modifice regulamentul, line-up’ul si oferta fara un anunt preventiv, in caz de nevoie sau de forta majora.
9) Recomandam sa veniti cu propriile recipiente pentru mancare (farfurii, boluri, tacamuri, cana, bidon de apa din inox) pentru a reduce impactul asupra naturii prin utilizarea redusa a recipientelor de unica folosinta. Multumim! 🙂

*for buying the tickets, once you start the process, please use the in-browser page translate (in Chrome right click on the page and translate to {language of choice}, on Chrome mobile, tap the menu and find “translate page” in the options)

Come on to Beeeee, ma! with us with live sounds of guitar chords, in the light of the stars, near the warmth of the campfire.
This summer from July 28 to 31 you get the best vacation.

Beeeee, ma! is a live folk-rock music festival, on top of a mountain with a warm atmosphere like between friends. The mood is kind of like when you went with your friends to the mountains and stayed by the fire until late at night or early in the morning, only here the gang is bigger, the music is live and the beer is crafted.
If you like to sing, take your instrument with you and warm your voice and you can sing either on stage or by the fire, because we invite you to spontaneous songs at the campfire and we have open-stage (outside the established program of concerts).

* What will you find at “Beeeee, me! 2022 ”?
Throughout the event:
– the open stage option, apart from the pre-established concerts,
– spontaneous songs by the fire… as we have a campfire both day and night!
– Great concerts every night, as it is nice in nature between friends, especially black sheep.
– good and cold spring water.
– And of course, our collaborators who through their presence will make everything go perfectly:
>there will be craft beer brought by Paul from Bers Nova, from Oradea. An imaginative beer, designed to „Rock your Senses”.
>Delicious food, with imaginative recipes, good to go with the beer, cooked on the spot by the guys from Food Box, Oradea. They prepare to delight us with food cooked outdoors, on the grill, in the kettle and if it falls on the stove, using ingredients from mother nature and from local sources.
>Thundersound from Baia Mare will take care of the stage & lighting, taking care that every note sounds good, and the music is on the first place.
>Kreafilm from Timisoara is in charge of filming so that we have memorable memories.

-access will be by ticket only! Places are LIMITED!
-the tickets are on sale only on!

Who sings to us and when?
Thursday, July 28th:
Figure of Funk – from Baia Mare
Rebel Yell! – Billy Idol tribute band from Cluj-Napoca
Fratii Jdieri – rock band from Oradea
Friday, July 29th:
The Speakers – folk country and cover band from Baia Mare
The Hidden Jester – rock band from Timisoara
NIGHTLOSERS- Transylvanian Blues band from Cluj-Napoca
Satudray, July 30th:
Foo Fain – Foo Fighters tribute band, from Cluj-Napoca
N.O.R. – rock band from Oradea
Ultimu’ Nivel – pop punk band from Baia Mare
Dirty Shirt – crossover Transylvanian folkcore metal from Baia Mare

What will be included in the festival ticket?
– For the full season tickets and camping tickets: Access to the event area and the camping area (which has free drinking water from the spring, toilets, solar shower) and access to concerts.
– For tickets without camping, access to the venue is limited in the evening only until the end of the concerts * approximately at midnight each day.
– Access bracelet to the festival!

What is not included: anything not specified above.
But because this is a special festival, beside the accesible prices for beer and food, you can bring whatever you want. Pay attention though, spring water is free. Don’t carry tons of water with you, there’s no point to break your back with that.
Attention: Car access is not permitted, with the exception of rooftop tent cars or camper vans in which you sleep (if you can get up here with it) Motorbikes are allowed. For more details about the regulations and updates, follow the event page here: and the festival page:

About the location:
The location is a wildcamp in the mountain area, with rustic conditions and proximity to nature. There is no fire in the camping area, but only in the specially arranged place in the area in front of the stage.
Access to the location, Black Sheep Camp: use Google maps, Waze or HereWeGo. There is another 1.5 km of unpaved road from the main road to the camping area. At the base of the hill, about 400m from the festival area, it will be possible to park, either on the road or in the courtyards of the locals, and then continue the ascent by foot following the Black Sheep signs.
During the festival, cars are not accepted in the camp area in any form – except for those with a rooftop tent or campervan where you sleep in. The cars can be parked at the base of the hill by the street for free or in the courtyards of the locals for a fee – by mutual agreement.

We want you to feel good with us, so drink, sing, socialize, have fun, walk on all fours if you want, BUT:
1) We do not accept any form of scandal. The scandal makers will be removed from the festival premises.
2) Respect nature and don’t make any mess or litter! By no means!
3) If you have something to do in the woods, don’t leave any litter behind, this includes no toilet paper, no wet wipes, no dipers etc. There are toilets, use them and / or trash bags/ trash cans, not the forest.
4) There is no fire allowed in the camping area, but only in the specially arranged places in the area in front of the stage.
5) The location has its own furry mascot, an Alaskan malamute, it is very friendly with humans, but does not get along with other medium / large size males. So if you bring your pets, you are responsible for them.
6) Please be responsible and take into account the measures and restrictions imposed on COVID-19. In case of special conditions imposed by the authorities – we will communicate them on the facebook page of the event:
7) Children under 14 have free access with a parent paying for a ticket. Parents are responsible for their children, please do not leave them unattended, we are not responsible for any injuries or problems caused by children and parents will be directly responsible for any damages caused. The free access is limited to 1 child per parent. If one parent has more children in their care, the 2nd child and the rest will need a ticket. (e.g: a family of 4, made of 2 parents and 2 children, will pay only 2 tickets. But if a single parent comes with 2 children both the parent and the 2nd child have to pay a ticket).
Children and teenagers under the age of 18 without parental supervision will NOT be admitted.
8) The organizers reserve the right to change the rules, line-up order and other parts of the offer without prior notice, in case of need or force majeure.
9) We recommend that you bring your own food containers (plates, bowls, cutlery, mug, stainless steel water bottle) to reduce the impact on nature by reducing the use of disposable containers.


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