
1914 / Olympus Mons / Kroppen (Anulat)

1914 / Olympus Mons / Kroppen (Anulat)

Locatie eveniment: Club Quantic
Adresa: Grozăvești nr. 82, București, Sect.6

Biletele pot fi achizitionate online aici, la următoarele prețuri:
50 lei,  35 lei – Early Bird (preț pentru primele 50)
50 lei,  45 lei – Presale (preț redus pana pe data de 30.04.2020, inclusiv)
50 lei – Acces general (preț în ziua evenimentului)
Comunicat din partea organizatorilor:
După cum bine știți, ordonanța de urgență s-a prelungit cu încă o lună, ceea ce face imposibilă desfășurarea acestui eveniment în data de 1 Mai.
Deja se lucrează la reprogramarea evenimentului iar noua dată va fi anunțată în viitorul apropiat.
Biletele cumpărate în avans rămân valabile pentru noua dată pe care sperăm să o comunicăm cât mai curând!

?  Concert 1914 // Olympus Mons // Kroppen
Data:  TBA 2020
Acces public 20:00
Locație: Club Quantic
1914 –
1914 – about the whole theatre of fighting the Great War – the Battle of Gallipoli and the involvement of Ataturk, Brusilovsky breakthrough, the Battle of Verdun, gas attack at Ypres, Italian troops Arditi, Christmas truce and the bombing of London by German Zeppelins, Carpathians winter war, Germans and Austro-Hungarian army against Russian. And It’s neither about politics, nor about propaganda – it’s just war, trenches, fear, hopelessness and endless death around of you.

Olympus Mons –
The Romanian Doom metal band, Olympus Mons – OM – was born in in 2018 with founding members Victor (vocals), Chris (lead and rhythm guitar), Alex (bass guitar), Christian (drums) and Antonia (keyboards). Proof of the great musical chemistry between the band members, in just a few months they succeeded in already writing 7 songs. Olympus Mons launched its first video in December 2019, for the song “The Heavens Below”, followed in February 2020 by “Darkness Takes Over”. The band brings a fresh sound on the Romanian doom metal industry scene, with songs that speak deeply about the artists’ life experiences and feelings and wishing to have a strong emotionally impact on their public.

Kroppen –
Kroppen – is a death/black metal band from Slatina, Romania .The band started in the summer of 2013 in a small Romanian town, created by lead guitarist and vocalist Ovidiu Stanciu. Due to some members leaving they took a hiatus until 2015. With new forces and a refreshed line-up Kroppen released their first EP. Having their debut live show in their hometown back in 2016, Kroppen started playing all around the country, looking forward to releasing the band’s first full-lenght album, “In delirium path”.

*Toate prețurile includ taxa de ticketing și taxele locale.
Eveniment organizat de club Quantic

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