22 feb 2025

Bilete la concertul Metal Meeting: Moby Dick, Remorse & Agregator LIVE @Hardward Pub

str.Republicii 110, Cluj Napoca
Ora acces: 19:00
Ora eveniment: 20:00

A Moby Dick koncerteken átélt élmény felejthetetlen és pótolhatatlan emlék lesz mindenki számára. Időtlen és állandóan jelenlévő szövegeikkel bárkit felrázhatnak és kiemelhetnek a hétköznapok egyhangúságából. Moby Dick figyelemre méltó rajongótáborának tagja lenni olyan, mint egy testvéri közösség, a zenekar zenéje pedig egy generációkat összekötő kötelék. Kolozsvár is az a város, ahová a zenekar bármikor megérkezik, és a zenekar igazi támogatói mindig összegyűlnek, hogy szurkoljanak nekik!

The experience lived at the Moby Dick concerts becomes an unforgettable and irreplaceable memory for everyone. With their timeless and ever-present lyrics, they can shake anyone up and lift them out of the monotony of everyday life. Being part of Moby Dick’s remarkable fan base is like a brotherhood, and the band’s music is a bond that connects generations. Cluj is also the city where the band arrives at any time, and the true supporters of the band always gather to support them!






Reservations are required for a place at the table, by phone 0264439359, or by private message on FB/INSTA.
During the events, serving inside is done exclusively at the bar.
We strongly recommend the use of earmuffs for children.
Participation in this event represents the implicit agreement to use photo/video materials in which you can be captured on your own or our partners’ social media platforms.
Access for children up to and including 12 years of age is free if they are accompanied by a parent holding a valid access ticket.
The access of minors between the ages of 12 and 18 is allowed on the basis of a valid ticket and only if they are accompanied by a parent who holds a valid access ticket.
The organizers are not responsible for the belongings of the participants or for any damage caused.
The organizers reserve the right to request documents proving the age of minor participants.
The organizers reserve the right to modify the regulations in accordance with the provisions in force.
For the smooth running of the event, the organizers reserve the right to deny access to people who do not comply with the access rules.
The value of the tickets obtained at the entrance cannot be returned.

22.02.25 Presale

85,00 lei 75,00 lei

reducere primele bilete

22.02.25 Acces

85,00 lei

* Toate prețurile includ taxele locale si nu includ taxa de procesare.
** Taxa de procesare nu este returnabila.
*** Despre ora și regulile de acces vă recomandăm să vă informați din surse directe ale organizatorului (ex: fb, insta..) pot intervenii detalii importante de ultimă oră.

Reservations are required for a place at the table, by phone 0264439359, or by private message on FB/INSTA.
During the events, serving inside is done exclusively at the bar.
We strongly recommend the use of earmuffs for children.
Participation in this event represents the implicit agreement to use photo/video materials in which you can be captured on your own or our partners’ social media platforms.
Access for children up to and including 12 years of age is free if they are accompanied by a parent holding a valid access ticket.
The access of minors between the ages of 12 and 18 is allowed on the basis of a valid ticket and only if they are accompanied by a parent who holds a valid access ticket.
The organizers are not responsible for the belongings of the participants or for any damage caused.
The organizers reserve the right to request documents proving the age of minor participants.
The organizers reserve the right to modify the regulations in accordance with the provisions in force.
For the smooth running of the event, the organizers reserve the right to deny access to people who do not comply with the access rules.
The value of the tickets obtained at the entrance cannot be returned.

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